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Experts in Mobility and Public Transport

We have been active in the Public Transport and Mobility sector since 2009.  We have built a vast amount of expertise on a technical, operational and functional level.  Using that hands-on expertise for building the right solutions has proven over and over again to be real added value for our customers.

Expertise in Product and Price Management

We have years of hands on experience and built extensive expertise with regards to Product and Price Management solutions, both in building solutions as in managing those solutions.

In line with International Standards

In all our projects we keep the different international standards such as NeTEx, VDV, OSLO, … in mind since we need to exchange data to or from those standards at some point in time.

Supporting Open Data Structures

Open Data is crucial for enabling an open ecosystem of solutions that will benefit the travellers. Besides it being a requirement which we need to take into account, we truly believe that tackling this in the right way will create a positive impact on the travelling experience.


Authentic and Open Communication

We truly believe that open, transparent communication will not only benefit our client relationship, but also empowers us to accomplish more together. We are not a stand alone team, we for, but mainly with you on our projects.
